Non-performer from Alabama with a humble demeanor takes the American Idol’s judges by sheer surprise. Even before he started singing, there was something special about this contestant, and the judges knew it.
Without any prior performing experience, garbage man Douglas Kiker from Mobile, Alabama, took everyone by surprise with his raw talent. With a good sense of humor, he quickly lightened up the American Idol judges’ moods. One of the most memorable moments of the audition was when he was asked about his source of motivation – his daughter.
Immediately when he started to sing, the judges were left in awe of his raw talent. By the time his first song was done, the judges wanted to hear more. Our eager contestant wasn’t hesitant to perform and just got better with each song he sang. He impressed the judges with his talent, honesty, devotion to his family, and his pure positive attitude. With a happy panel of supportive ‘Yeses,’ Doug received his golden ticket sending him straight to Hollywood.
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